
Advantages of Reading Book

Reading book is important because of some benefits. First of all, reading is the beginning of knowledge.  Books contain information, experiences, ideas, and varieties of data. Choosing a favorite book to read every day helps us to easily understand more.  In addition, it is a great source of self-improvement both physical and mental. A person who spends more time reading books is more creative. He/she is definitely a higher-developed mind, a good self-image, and be self-confident. Finally, reading can be entertainment which helps reduce stress and anxiety. Reading brings joy and happiness in our life. We read for others to listen or others can read for us, especially, a parent or grandparent normally reads a book for children before bed. In this case, storybooks and jokes are considered entertainment tools. And some people choose reading as an enjoyment. In summary, reading books is necessary for daily life because it educates us, enhances our self-development as well as serves as an amusement activity and we should therefore make a good reading habit for its usefulness.